Chromatography Liquid Chromatography (LC) Gas Chromatography (GC) Thin-layer Chromatography(TLC)
Spectrometer AAS ICP Raman Spectrometer FT-IR Spectrometer UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Terahertz Spectrometer Infrared Spectrometer Terahertz Imager Spectroscopy Consumables Others
Mass Spectrometer MALDI-TOF-MS GC-MS ICP-MS
Physical Property Analysis Instrument Differential Scanning Calorimeter Melting Point Apparatus Refractometer Polarimeter Viscometer Density Meter
Sample Preparation Laboratory Water Purification System Evaporator Extractor Centrifuge Mixer Pipette Digester Others
Life Science Safety Cabinet Freezer PCR Microplate Reader Incubator Others
Elemental Analysis Kjeldahl Apparatus TOC Analyzer Carbon&Sulphur Analyzer Metal Analyzer Others
Lab Consumables Biochemical Consumables SPE Cartridges QuEChERS Kits
PPE Instruments Oxygen Concentrator Sterilizer
Environmental Measurement Iinstruments Gas Measurement Device
Others Magnetic Content Analyzer Glassware Washer Capping Machine Freeze Dryer Burette PH Meter Calorimeter Titrator Nitrogen Generator Automatic Drop Point and Softening Point Tester
The automatic alkyl mercury analyzer HXAM-51 launched is ananalytical instrument for the determination of alkyl mercury (methyl mercury, ethyl mercury) based on the principle of purge and capture/gas chromatography - cold atomic fluorescence spectrometry. It has the advantages of fast analysis speed, accurate and reliable data, and low detection limit.In full compliance with the analytical standards of the same principle, such as "Determination of alkylmercury in Water Quality by purge and capture/Gas chromatoc-Cold Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry" (HJ 977-2018) and "Determination of methylmercury and ethyl mercury in Soil and Sediment by Purge and capture/Gas chromatoc-Cold atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry" (HJ1269 2022),Ideal for automated alkyl mercury analysis of bulk samples.
1.The integrated molding design integrates gas phase separation and cold atomic fluorescence detector to ensure the same stability of the entire system.
2.Fully automatic purging automatic injector up to 96 bits, integrated in situ purging and ectopic injection mode, software can be switched by one click.
3.The precise temperature control system ensures the stability of sample analysis.
4. A unique and reliable vapor phase system completely separates methyl mercury from ethyl mercury.
5. The unique design of quartz flow tank and pipeline design, small dead volume, sample will not cross contamination.
6. The multi-channel trapping systerm has high analysis efficiency and good repeatability.
7.Adjustable pressure control and flow control system to facilitate the analysis of different concentrations of samples.
8.Powerful, easy to operate software processing system.
9. The sample analysis has wide linearity, short cycle and low reagent consumption
10. Pre-treatment system with excellent distllation and condensation effect, integrated exquisite design, long service life.
11. The uniquely designed exhaust gas collction system avoids cross-contamination caused by exhaust gases and prevents laboratory personnel from inbaling highly toxic mercury vapors.