Flash Evaporator

The MS200 flash evaporator is used for pre-treatment before analyzing liquid hydrocarbon substances, determining the C1-C5 hydrocarbon components, converting the liquid sample into gaseous hydrocarbon substances with equal composition, constant temperature, constant pressure, and controllable flow rate for rapid gasification and chromatographic injection.

Technology Advantage

1. The external sample transmission pipeline has an adjustable heat tracing function to ensure that the sample will not condense.

2. It can achieve the injection of liquid and gas samples.

3. High sample flux.

4. System purging to reduce cross contamination.

5. High temperature carrier gas can be selected for system purging.

6. The entire pipeline was inerted using American SilcoTek passivation technology to reduce the adsorption of active components such as sulfur, making it suitable for the analysis of trace sulfides and oxides.


Maximum liquid sample injection pressure: 2.75MPa

Maximum gas sample injection pressure: 2.07MPa

Minimum injection pressure: 0.69MPa

Heating temperature control range: room temperature+5-230 ℃

Tracing temperature control range: room temperature+5-230 ℃

Temperature control accuracy: ± 0.1 ℃

Flow range: 0-100ml/min

Flow accuracy: 0.1ml/min

Environmental temperature: -18-65 ℃

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