Chromatography Liquid Chromatography (LC) Gas Chromatography (GC) Thin-layer Chromatography(TLC)
Spectrometer AAS ICP Raman Spectrometer FT-IR Spectrometer UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Terahertz Spectrometer Infrared Spectrometer Terahertz Imager Spectroscopy Consumables Others
Mass Spectrometer MALDI-TOF-MS GC-MS ICP-MS
Physical Property Analysis Instrument Differential Scanning Calorimeter Melting Point Apparatus Refractometer Polarimeter Viscometer Density Meter
Sample Preparation Laboratory Water Purification System Evaporator Extractor Centrifuge Mixer Pipette Digester Others
Life Science Safety Cabinet Freezer PCR Microplate Reader Incubator Others
Elemental Analysis Kjeldahl Apparatus TOC Analyzer Carbon&Sulphur Analyzer Metal Analyzer Others
Lab Consumables Biochemical Consumables SPE Cartridges QuEChERS Kits
PPE Instruments Oxygen Concentrator Sterilizer
Environmental Measurement Iinstruments Gas Measurement Device
Others Magnetic Content Analyzer Glassware Washer Capping Machine Freeze Dryer Burette PH Meter Calorimeter Titrator Nitrogen Generator Automatic Drop Point and Softening Point Tester
Sepaths UP is designed for both cartridge and diskapplication, and to treat samples with different volume. It can beapplied to extract trace organic compounds from drinking water,surface water, ground water, food, beverage and other samples.Sepaths UP can automatically and simultaneously treat 1 to 12same or different samples through the whole treatment process,including SPE condition, sample loading, rinsing, elution, andnitrogen purge. It is a closed but vented system.
InquiryEasy installationand operation 1 -120ml/min flow rate
Be able to accurate control loading rate of small amount sample
Sample volume can be 0-20L
Two systems: cartridge and disk 1, 3, 6, 12, 30, 70ml cartridge 47mm and 90mm disk
Every channel supports bothcartridge and disk
Be able to use different types of collection bottles
Display real-time process Solvent andsample management system
Be concentrated by nitrogen sweeping
Optional on-line concentration module
Automatically spray cleaning sample bottles 8 solventscan be selected for conditioning and eluting
Be able to use different types of collection bottles
Separately collect aqueous waste and the organic phase waste, reduce the environmental pollution
Can collect components separately 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 channel systems
Be able to run 1-12 samples simutaneously
High Pressure protection
Friendly software control system