Chromatography Liquid Chromatography (LC) Gas Chromatography (GC) Thin-layer Chromatography(TLC)
Spectrometer AAS ICP Raman Spectrometer FT-IR Spectrometer UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Terahertz Spectrometer Infrared Spectrometer Terahertz Imager Spectroscopy Consumables Others
Mass Spectrometer MALDI-TOF-MS GC-MS ICP-MS
Physical Property Analysis Instrument Differential Scanning Calorimeter Melting Point Apparatus Refractometer Polarimeter Viscometer Density Meter
Sample Preparation Laboratory Water Purification System Evaporator Extractor Centrifuge Mixer Pipette Digester Others
Life Science Safety Cabinet Freezer PCR Microplate Reader Incubator Others
Elemental Analysis Kjeldahl Apparatus TOC Analyzer Carbon&Sulphur Analyzer Metal Analyzer Others
Lab Consumables Biochemical Consumables SPE Cartridges QuEChERS Kits
PPE Instruments Oxygen Concentrator Sterilizer
Environmental Measurement Iinstruments Gas Measurement Device
Others Magnetic Content Analyzer Glassware Washer Capping Machine Freeze Dryer Burette PH Meter Calorimeter Titrator Nitrogen Generator Automatic Drop Point and Softening Point Tester
Technology Advantage
Smartand compact design,light and easy to move;
7 inches LCD color touchscreen,stand-alone system no need PC;
User-friedly operating system,module Ul design,simple and clear;
Long life Xenon lamp,no warm-up time;
Storage by USB,simple to retrieve test data;
Multifunctions:Nucleic acid,Prtein,Kinetics,spectrum scaning,end-point and OD600 measurement;
No need to dilute sample,luL to 2uL is enough;
High resolutin CCD detector,fast measurement (5 seconds),high repeatailityandaccracy;
Available to upgrade software by USB,low maintenance cost. Two USB ports fordata output and outertols like mouse and keyboard.
High resolution CCD detector, fast measurement (5s), high repeatability and accuracy;
7 inches LCD color touch screen, stand-alone system, no need PC;
User-friendly operating system, module UI design, simple and clear;
No need to dilute sample, 1uL to 2uL is enough;
High-quality flash Xenon lamp, longer service life;
Multi-functions: Nucleic acid,Protein, Kinetics, Spectrum scanning, End-point and OD600 measurement;
Available to upgrade software by USB, low maintenance cost;
Storage by USB, simple to retrieve test data;
Two USB ports for data transmission and outer tools like mouse and keyboard;
Smart and compact design, light and easy to move.